In addition to purchasing cards with credits and tickets, you can also acquire cards by stealing them from the Packs of other users or the Packs of the computer-generated rats. The cards must not be locked or have safe timers on them if you wish to steal them.
To steal from the Pack of another player, you and the other player either need to both play Free For All, or the other player has to have given you steal permission, if they're a co-op player. For more on player types, please click here:
1.) To attempt to steal a card, first go to the Explorer page by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen:
The default view of the Explorer screen will show you the Packs of the Rats. In the picture below, we are in Prince Charming Rat's Pack. Note that each Rat will have a little white hand on the top right of his or her picture in the bar at the bottom of the screen, and this same icon at the top right of the Pack, which indicates you can steal from this particular Pack:
2a.) In order to steal a card from the Pack you’re in, you can click on the hand icon in the top right corner, which will prompt you to pick a card from the Pack to steal:
2b.) Or, you can initiate the steal by clicking on the card you want to steal to flip it, and then clicking on it again, and then clicking the steal button:
Either way, you will see a new screen with the card you're attempting to steal, and a blank slot for the card you're attempting to drop in its place:
3.) Select the drop card, which will be left in place of the card you steal:
4.) After you've selected the card to drop, click steal (in this sense, it's not technically a "steal," but rather an unsolicited trade).
The odds of a successful steal are determined by the value of the card to be stolen in comparison to the card being given in exchange. The value is determined by the number in the bottom right corner of the card, and has nothing to do with how many credits/or tickets such a card costs:
In the example above, the player is attempting to steal a 400 point card with a 200 point card, which gives them a 76% chance of a successful steal. When the point value of the drop card is the same or higher than the card you're attempting to steal, the success rate is much higher (99%).
The closer the cards are to each other in point value or likeness (same color border), the more likely the steal will be successful.
If the steal was successful, the stolen card will now be in your pack, and the card you gave up will be in the pack of the user it was stolen from.
Any attempt to steal a card from another user, whether or not it was successful, will automatically prevent you from trying to steal from this user again for 15 minutes.
Other Packs to steal from:
From the Explorer screen, you can also view the Packs of all the players whom you're following or whom you've added to a friend group, players you've recently traded with, or random Packs, by clicking the drop-down menu. As with the Rats, a hand icon on the top of a player's picture indicates you can steal from this Pack.
Note: If you are Co-op, you will not be shown FFA Packs when you select "Random Packs" from the dropdown menu.
You do not need to be following another player in order to check out their Pack; all you need to do is enter in their PackRat display name or ID number by clicking on the pencil button and typing it in the pop up:
You will automatically be brought to the pack of the user who belongs to that ID number/display name.