User Logins

Team PackRat -

PackRat has multiple login options on web and mobile:

1.) Facebook login: available on the iOS and Android mobile app, and the web game

2.) Apple: available on the iOS app only

3.) Google: available on the Android app only 

4.) Guest account: only available on the mobile app, and tied to your specific device, meaning you cannot access a guest account from multiple devices, nor on the web



While most players already have their PackRat accounts linked to their Facebook accounts, for ease of access, you can now link your PackRat ID to both an Apple ID and a Facebook account, or to both Google and Facebook accounts. 

Note: if you are a brand new guest user and want to be able to access your PackRat data from multiple devices, you will need to link your PackRat ID to a separate set of credentials. This can be a Facebook account, an Apple ID, or a Google account.


Signing in with your Google Account


When you choose to sign in with your Google account from the login screen, the game will prompt you to provide credentials for the account that you wish to link with PackRat.

The game will ask (the first time you sign in only) if you have an existing Facebook-linked PackRat account that you would like to associate with the newly-provided Google account. (If this Google account is already associated with a PackRat ID from a different device, you will be logged into the game immediately). If you choose to link your existing account to your Google account, you will be able to use either sign-in to connect to PackRat in the future.

Once you have finished linking your accounts, you will be connected to PackRat with your existing account data.


Signing in with your Apple ID


When you choose to sign in with your Apple ID from the login screen, the game will prompt you to provide credentials for the account that you wish to associate with PackRat.

The game will ask (the first time you sign in only) if you have an existing Facebook-linked PackRat account that you would like to associate with the newly-provided Apple ID. (If this Apple ID is already associated with a PackRat ID from a different device, you will be logged into the game immediately). If you choose to link your existing account to your Apple ID, you will be able to use either account to connect to PackRat in the future. At this point, you will be connected to PackRat with your existing account data.

Once you have finished linking your accounts, you will be connected to PackRat with your existing account data.

If you choose not to link your PackRat account at this time, you can do so later through the Manage Profile screen, by tapping  your avatar or tapping on the gear icon, and then 'Mange Profile.' From there, you can tap on the 'Manage Account' button, where you'll see options to link your PackRat account to a different set of credentials.





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