Icons in PackRat and What They Mean

Team PackRat -

Pack icon: click this any time you wish to return to your Pack. From here you can combine cards into recipes, Vault cards, and add bling or a lock to them.



If you just want to see what you currently have in your Pack from anywhere else in the game besides your Pack, you simply need to click on the Pack Indicator box at the top left of the screen:




Vault icon: click this any time you wish to see the contents of your Vault, a friend’s vault, or anyone else’s vault whose PackRat ID/name you know. The Vault is also where you can see all available collections, both active and retired, as well as the collections you are currently working on.



Market icon: click this any time you want to access the markets to browse through and purchase cards. 



Explorer icon: click this any time you wish to explore the packs of Rats, friends, or anyone whose PackRat ID number/name you know.



Arcade icon: click this if you wish to play FlipRat, a betting game that uses credits or tickets to win additional cards, credits, and tickets.




Credit icon: this icon indicates how many credits (Cr) you currently have in your account. If you click the +, you can buy more credits with tickets.



Ticket icon: this icon indicates how many tickets (Tx) you currently have in your account. If you click the +, you can buy more tickets with PayPal or your credit/debit card (on the web), or via Google Play/Apple (on mobile).



Pack indicator icon: this icon gives you information about your pack, and is viewable at all times in the upper left corner of your screen. In this particular screenshot:

1) The Vault icon indicates how many Vault actions you can take with your current Pack of cards. A Vault action is performed by either vaulting 5 (or more) of the same card, or by vaulting 5 (or more) different cards of the same color family. 

2) The hammer (make card) icon shows you to how many recipe cards you can make given the cards currently in your Pack.

3) The dotted box tells you how many more cards you can collect before your Pack is full (20 cards max for free users, 50 cards for subscribed users). In this particular case, there are 16 free spaces.



Hammer (make) icon: click this icon when you are in your Pack if you would like to make a recipe card by combining 3 other cards. Your Pack indicator icon will show a number next to the hammer icon if you're able to make a recipe. Click the button, then choose the 3 necessary cards to create a new card; cards that do not go toward making a recipe will be automatically grayed-out. 



Vault cards icon: click this icon when you are in your Pack if you wish to Vault (save) cards. The cards in your Pack that can be Vaulted will automatically be highlighted for you to select as you click them:




Message Center icon: click this white envelope if you’d like to see a detailed history of all that you have done on PackRat recently, including transactions, trades, steals, recipes made, cards vaulted, notifications, messages, etc.


Trades icon: click the 2 card icon to show any pending incoming and outgoing trades you have made:


Game Settings icon: click on the gear icon on the top right of your screen to explore the game’s settings and your account. From here, you can send a gift, manage your friends, manage your profile, manage your subscription, adjust game settings, enter full-screen mode for the game, get help, contact the support staff for help, logout, or learn about new features/changes added to PackRat:


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