-While this website is not managed by PackRat, it is highly useful, especially for newer players. Here you'll find thorough information on active and retired collections, as well as what markets a particular card might be in.
-This website is especially useful for knowing what cards are needed to make a recipe card.
-This group is a closed group, and you cannot become a member unless you are an active PackRat player.
-This group is very useful for new players because a lot of the older players, who've been around for years, are more than willing to help new players with any questions or finding certain cards for collections.
-This is the official Facebook Fan Page for PackRat. We will post updates to new game features as well as information about the latest collections.
-In addition to the Facebook group (which sees the most player activity), there is a PackRat forum where you can also buy/sell/trade cards and ask other PackRat questions. Many players post on both here and on the Facebook group to gain the maximum exposure, as not all players are members of both groups.